
🏛️A Shrine, said to house the greatest evil, has been uncovered in Ragnarok Landverse. According to ancient legend, the fearsome Baphomet lies within the newly discovered dungeon, Shrine Sealed.

⚔️ Brave heroes, heed the call! 🛡️ Help Rune-Midgard by subduing and resealing this ancient evil within the Shrine Sealed once more. 🕯️


Level Requirement: 75+
– Number of Party Members: At least 2+ member required.
– Dungeon Access: Only the party leader can open the dungeon.
– Time Limit: 2 hour.
– Reset 12AM (GMT+8)
You can enter the SEALED SHRINE once per account per day.

Instance Dungeon Entrance

At St. Capitolina Abbey, in the last room (prt_monk 192, 170), the party leader must speak with Friar Patrick and request to enter in order to create the instance. Afterward, click on Baphomet’s Grave behind him to proceed.

Instance Dungeon floor 1&2 Information

Here is a map of the Dungeon floor. Use it as a reference throughout the guide:

Walkthrough floor 1

1. Start the Quest: The party leader should go to the Gravestone (marked in yellow on the map) at the Shrine (coordinates: 141, 221) to begin the quest.

Important Notes:
– Only the party leader can start the quest by interacting with the Gravestone.

2. Search for the Pendant: Everyone in the party should explore the dungeon and talk to the Gravestones (marked with a grave emoji on the map) to find the Pendant of Spirit.”

3. Collect the Pendant: Once someone finds the “Pendant of Spirit,” the party leader needs to go to that Gravestone, collect the Pendant.

Important Notes:
– The pendant cannot be traded. The party leader must collect their own Pendant to proceed.

4. Go to the Center: An announcement will tell you to head to the center of the instance (Altar). Go there and talk to the Soul of the Ancient Hero.

Important Notes:
– The party leader must listen to all three options first, then choose “I am ready” to continue.

5. Complete Two Tasks (1-hour time limit):

5.1 Collect Essence of Fire: The party leader must obtain the Essence of Fire” from Bobbing Torches (marked as Torches).

Important Notes:
– Only the party leader can collect these.

5.2 Collect Tokens: Party members need to defeat monsters called Apostle of Baphomet to get Tokens of Apostle.”

Important Notes:
– Each party member needs one Token. If there are 5 players, you need 5 Tokens.
– Tokens go directly into your inventory when you kill an Apostle.
– Tokens can be traded.
– Leaving and re-entering the instance will make you lose all your Tokens.
– Apostles do not respawn; there are about 12-14 on the map.

Instance Dungeon floor 1&2 Information

Here is a map of the Dungeon floor. Use it as a reference throughout the guide:

Walkthrough floor 2

  6. Summon the MVP: Head to the center of the instance and talk to the Main Altar to summon the MVP, Unsealed Baphomet.

Find the Active Seal: There are 5 seals that can weaken Baphomet. An announcement will tell you which of the following locations is currently active: Main (center, slightly north), Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, or Southeast.

7. Once Baphomet spawns, the party can damage him for 3 seconds before he becomes invulnerable.

Important Notes:
– If Baphomet is not defeated during the initial attack, follow these steps below to weaken and damage him:

8. Weaken Baphomet (1-hour time limit):There are 5 seals that can weaken Baphomet. An announcement will let you know which of the following locations is active: Main (center, slightly north), Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, or Southeast. Once you know the active location, lead Baphomet into that seal area.

Important Notes:
– The locations of these seals are marked with red circles on the map.

9. Activate the Seal: A player must talk to the altar seal to weaken Baphomet, allowing the party to damage him for a few seconds.

Important Notes:
– The player who activates the seal will be affected by Stoned Curse for 30 seconds and lose 60% of their HP.
– Evil Druid, Stone Immunity, and GTB will not prevent the curse, but Blessing or getting hit will remove it.
– After activating a seal, the player will be on a 3-minute cooldown and cannot interact with another altar seal during that time.

10. Repeat Until Victory: After some time, Baphomet will become invulnerable again. Wait for the next active seal to be announced and repeat the previous steps until Baphomet is defeated.

Important Notes:
– Standing near the exits to the outer path may trigger mobs of monsters to spawn. These mobs appear at 5-minute intervals and can interfere with luring Baphomet. It’s important to kill them as soon as they spawn.
– The 5-minute timer is independent of when the spawn is triggered. For example, it’s possible to trigger the spawn point at 4 minutes 59 seconds and again at 5 minutes 1 second, causing two mobs to appear within 2 seconds.

Items highlight

With this update, the Cursed Baphomet Doll is now one of the possible drops from defeating the Great Demon Baphomet.

This Cursed Baphomet Doll can be used to create the Giant Majestic Goat headgear. The process is as follows:

1. Ensure you have a Cursed Baphomet Doll in your inventory.
2. Speak with Friar Patrick and discuss the doll.
3. Then, talk to Rust Blackhand (prt_monk 261, 91) with the following items to craft the Giant Majestic Goat:

Cursed Baphomet Doll
Magestic Goat x1
Peridot x30
Rose Quartz x50
– Kill from Great Demon Baphomet (Party member killing it works too)
– 990,000 Zeny

Monster Stats

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