Reworked 3.0 Dungeons: Moscovia and Kiel Robot Factory


Based on your feedback about the difficulty of instance dungeons, especially for new players, we’ve made some changes to improve accessibility:

– We’ve added three difficulty levels: Easy, Hard, and Nightmare Mode.
– Players can now choose only one mode per week, and this choice is tied to their account.
– Time restrictions have been removed, so everyone gets the same rewards regardless of how quickly they complete the dungeon.

Moscovia Instance Dungeon Reward

Game Mode Mos Coin (When Defeated MVP) Rusty Fragment (When Defeated MVP) Rusty Soul (When Defeated MVP)
Moscovia Instance Dungeon Easy Mode 60 1 5 ea
Moscovia Instance Dungeon Hard Mode 130 1 12 ea
Moscovia Instance Dungeon Nightmare Mode 200 2 25 ea

You can receive more rewards base on your battle pass level you can check BP rewards at this “link”

Kiel Robot Factory Instance Dungeon Reward

Game Mode Kiel Coin (When Defeated MVP) Robot Fragment (When Defeated MVP) Robot Soul (When Defeated MVP)
Kiel Robot Factory Instance Dungeon Easy Mode 60 1 5 ea
Kiel Robot Factory Instance Dungeon Hard Mode 130 1 12 ea
Kiel Robot Factory Instance Dungeon Nightmare Mode 200 2 25 ea

You can receive more rewards base on your battle pass level you can check BP rewards at this “link”

Weekly Quest

– Rewards for Weekly Quest remind the same.

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