Gameplay Update 3.0h : Gameplay Rebalance V.2


Gameplay Updates

As you review the patch notes, you’ll notice numerous changes aimed at enhancing gameplay. From adjustments to mechanics to tweaks in character abilities, these alterations are designed to create a more dynamic gaming experience. Let’s delve into the specifics to see how they’ll shape your journey in the game.

System Updates

WOE Damage Penalty Changes

Type Old Penalty inside the castle: New Penalty inside the castle:
Melee Damage 20% 35%
Long Ranged Damage 20% 35%
Weapon Skills 40% 55%
Magic Skills 40% 55%

Example:  Damage Penalty Inside WOE Maps

Melee Damage:
Old Penalty: 20%
New Penalty: 35%
Base Melee Damage to monsters outside the castle = 1000 damage
Old Penalty inside the castle: 20% reduction = 800 damage
New Penalty inside the castle: 35% reduction = 650 damage

Long Ranged Damage:
Old Penalty: 20%
New Penalty: 35%
Base Long Ranged Damage to monsters outside the castle = 1000 damage
Old Penalty inside the castle: 20% reduction = 800 damage
New Penalty inside the castle: 35% reduction = 650 damage

Weapon Skills:
Old Penalty: 40%
New Penalty: 55%
Base Weapon Skills Damage to monsters outside the castle = 1000 damage
Old Penalty inside the castle: 40% reduction = 600 damage
New Penalty inside the castle: 55% reduction = 450 damage

Magic Skills:
Old Penalty: 40%
New Penalty: 55%
Base Magic Skills Damage to monsters outside the castle = 1000 damage
Old Penalty inside the castle: 40% reduction = 600 damage
New Penalty inside the castle: 55% reduction = 450 damage

During our recent observations, we noticed that players who fight up close were having a tough time, while those using magic and long-range attacks were doing really well. Sometimes, just one hit from them could take out more than one opponent. So, we decided to lower the damage caused by attacks. This means it’ll be harder for close-combat players to get knocked out quickly. Our goal is to make sure they can join battles without always being punching bag and avoid damage 1-hit K.O. This change will make the game a bit different, but hopefully, it’ll make things fairer for everyone.

New Feature

WOE Repair Equipment

We noticed that everyone struggles when it comes to repairing equipment, so we’re introducing the WOE Repair Equipment. With just one click, you can repair all your gear. It’s that simple! And don’t worry, there’s just a small fee for this service.

Introducing the WOE Repair Equipment Menu, now available in the Manual Book during Guild War sessions.

This feature facilitates equipment repair, requiring 20,000 Zeny per use. Simply press the designated button to repair all equipment within your inventory.

Please note: This function is unavailable within castles.


Guild Flag Warp

Defending castles can be really tough, so we’ve added a new dimension to help defenders out. We hope it’ll make things easier for you!

Now, when clicking on the guild flag, additional rally warp points will be available:

1. Original Gate of Defend (Rally Point)
2. Emperium (Different spots for each castle)
3. MVP Spot #1 (Different spots for each castle)
4. MVP Spot #2 (Different spots for each castle)
5. MVP Spot #3 (Different spots for each castle)
This enhancement broadens your strategic options by providing multiple warp points, tailored to the layout and challenges of each castle.

Monster Updates

Similarly, we’ve noticed that Emperium has low health, making it difficult for defenders. Therefore, we’ve made a slight adjustment to increase its health.


HP Increased from 700 > 888

Skills Updates


Knights with sword seem to have been forgotten, with many opting for spears or dagger instead. Therefore, we’ve decided to make swords quicker to wield once equipped, encouraging their usage. At the same time, classes that rely on casting have seen an increase in fixed cast time and damage penalties. This change undoubtedly enhances the effectiveness of Knights.

Bowling Bash
When using One-handed sword, cooldown will decrease from 0.5 sec to 0.44 sec, When using Two-handed sword, cooldown will decrease from 0.5 sec to 0.37 sec.


The new WOE format has made using Quagmire quite challenging indeed. Its effects tend to be overly disruptive and inconvenient, often affecting guild members and allies. Therefore, we’ve decided to prevent Quagmire from affecting guild members, aiming to improve the role of Wizards.

Will not be affected to the guild member anymore. (Previously affected)


Tomahawk Throwing hasn’t been widely used, so we’ve decided to improve it. However, it shouldn’t be more powerful than skills used by Hunters or Ninjas, who specialize in long-range attacks. At the same time, damage penalties and fixed cast times have increased for classes that depend on casting. The efficacy of Blacksmith is definitely increased by this modification.

Tomahawk Throwing
Hit increased from 1 to 3 hits, SP usage increased from 12 to 24. (Previously 1 hit, SP 12)


Anklesnare can now catch Monks in a single hit, and it won’t affect guild members and allies anymore. This update definitely makes Hunters more versatile, showing that they’re not just about Double Strafe!.

Will not be affected to the guild member anymore. (Previously affected)


Venom Dust is often overlooked, but it’s actually really effective. Applying poison greatly reduces the enemy’s defense and has several other effects. Don’t forget to use it! It’s free, so you won’t lose any zeny. Classes that depend on casting have also experienced a rise in damage penalties and fixed cast times. There is no doubt that this modification makes assassins more effective.

Venom Dust
Will not require Red Gemstone when used in WOE maps.


This adjustment requires Monks to be more vigilant as they must now be wary of Anklesnare and find ways to avoid it, adding a mini-game element to their gameplay within the castle. With some practice, navigating around this obstacle in the castle shouldn’t be too difficult.

Body Relocation
Cannot be used while under the effect of Anklesnare.


Actually, this ninja hasn’t been directly nerfed, but rather, numerous unintended bugs have been addressed. These fixes are based on observations from other official servers. Nonetheless, some skills do require damage reduction because, when compared to other classes, Ninjas can sometimes deal excessively high damage.

Size Modifiers for Huuma Shuriken (weapon size penalty) changed from small/mid/large 100%/100%/100% to 75%/75%/100%

Throw Huuma Shuriken
Fixed a bug where 2 seconds after cast delay wasn’t properly applied.
Damage decreased from 200/450/700/950/1200% to 180/405/630/855/1080%
SP Cost increased from 15/20/25/30/35 to 30/35/40/45/50

Cicada Skin Shed
SP Cost increased from 12/15/18/21/24 to 21/24/27/30/33

Throw Kunai’s
Damage bonus is now dealt in one bundle of 3 attacks instead of 3 hits. (Damage should be roughly the same, minus rounding)
No longer ignore flee

Throw Coins
Reduced range from 9 to 7 cells

Fix Cast Updates

At the inception of our server, we have reducing casting time to expedite combat.
We streamlined the usability of classes reliant on casting by minimizing spell cast durations.
However, with the advent of Gameplay Rebalance V.2
We’re reverted to the original casting times.
Additionally, we will introducing new items designed to optimize casting mechanics,
thereby enriching gameplay with greater complexity beyond mere damage enhancement.

Spoiler >>


Napalm Beat
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.05 sec to 0.1 sec

Safety Wall
Fixed cast time has been increased from 4/3.6/3.2/2.8/2.4/2/1.6/1.2/0.80/0.40 sec to 8/7.2/6.6/5.6/4.8/4/3.2/2.4/1.6/0.80 sec

Soul Strike
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Cold Bolt
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.8/0.12/0.16/0.2/0.24/0.35/0.32/0.36/0.4/0.6 sec to 0.16/0.24/0.32/0.4/0.48/0.7/0.64/0.72/0.8/1.2 sec

Frost Diver
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.08 sec to 0.16 sec

Stone Curse
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.1 sec to 0.2 sec

Fire Ball
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.1 sec to 0.2 sec

Fire Wall
Fixed cast time has been increased from 2/1.8/1.6/1.4/1.2/1.1/1/0.9/0.8/0.7 sec to 4/3.6/3.2/2.Í8/2.4/2.2/2/1.8/1.6/1.4 sec

Fire Bolt
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.8/0.12/0.16/0.2/0.24/0.35/0.32/0.36/0.4/0.6 sec to 0.16/0.24/0.32/0.4/0.48/0.7/0.64/0.72/0.8/1.2 sec

Lightning Bolt
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.8/0.12/0.16/0.2/0.24/0.35/0.32/0.36/0.4/0.6 sec to 0.16/0.24/0.32/0.4/0.48/0.7/0.64/0.72/0.8/1.2 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.8/0.16/0.24/0.32/0.4/0.48/0.56/0.64/0.72/0.75 sec to 1.6/3.2/4.8/6.4/8/9.6/1.12/1.28/1.44/1.5 sec

Energy Coat
Fixed cast time has been increased from 2.5 sec to 5 sec


Meteor Storm
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/1.2/0.75 sec to 2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/1.5 sec

Lord of Vermilion
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1.2/1.16/1.12/1.08/1.04/1/0.96/0.92/0.88/0.75 sec to 2.4/2.32/2.24/2.16/2.08/2/1.92/1.84/1.76/1.5 sec

Storm Gust
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.48/0.56/0.64/0.72/0.8/0.88/0.96/1.04/1.12/0.75 sec to 0.96/1.12/1.28/1.44/1.6/1.76/1.92/2.08/2.24/1.5 sec

Jupitel Thunder
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.2/0.24/0.28/0.32/0.36/0.4/0.44/0.48/0.52/0.25 sec to 0.4/0.48/0.56/0.64/0.72/0.8/0.88/0.96/1.04/0.5 sec

Water Ball
Added fixed cast time to 0.16/0.32/0.48/0.64/0.80 sec

Frost Nova
Added fixed cast time to 0.16/0.16/0.14/0.14/0.128/0.128/0.112/0.112/0.096/0.096 sec

Added fixed cast time to 0.08 sec

Earth Spike
Added fixed cast time to 0.112/0.224/0.336/0.448/1.2 sec

Heaven’s Drive
Added fixed cast time to 0.160/0.320/0.480/0.640/0.80 sec


Increase AGI
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.1 sec to 0.2 sec

Decrease AGI
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.125 sec to 0.25 sec

Aqua Benedicta
Added fixed cast time to 0.20 sec

Signum Crucis
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.075 sec to 0.15 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.075 sec to 0.15 sec


Impositio Manus
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.50 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.50 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Kyrie Eleison
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.2 sec to 0.4 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.4 sec to 0.8 sec

Magnus Exorcismus
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec


Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.1 sec to 0.2 sec

Acid Terror
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec

Summon Flora
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.2 sec to 0.4 sec

Summon Marine Sphere
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.2 sec to 0.4 sec

Alchemical Weapon
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1 sec to 2 sec

Synthesized Shield
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1 sec to 2 sec

Synthetic Armor
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1 sec to 2 sec

Biochemical Helm
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1 sec to 2 sec


Grand Cross
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.75 sec to 1.5 sec


Spell Breaker
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.1 sec to 0.14 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 1.5 sec to 3 sec

Endow Blaze
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Endow Tsunami
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Endow Tornado
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Endow Quake
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Magnatic Earth
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.5 sec to 1 sec

Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.2 sec to 0.4 sec


Summon Spirit Sphere
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec

Absorb Spirit Sphere
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec

Occult Impaction
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.5 sec

Mental Strength
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1.25 sec to 2.5 sec

Asura Strike
Fixed cast time has been increased from 1/0.875/0.75/0.625/0.5 sec to 2/1.75/1.5/1.25/1 sec


Divest Weapon
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.07/0.09/0.11/0.13/0.15 sec to 0.14/0.18/0.22/0.26/0.30 sec

Divest Shield
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.07/0.09/0.11/0.13/0.15 sec to 0.14/0.18/0.22/0.26/0.30 sec

Divest Armor
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.07/0.09/0.11/0.13/0.15 sec to 0.14/0.18/0.22/0.26/0.30 sec

Divest Helm
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.07/0.09/0.11/0.13/0.15 sec to 0.14/0.18/0.22/0.26/0.30 sec


Throw Huuma Shuriken
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.25 sec to 0.50 sec

Mirror Image
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.40/0.35/0.30/0.25/0.20/0.15/0.10/0.10/0.10/0.10 sec to 0.80/0.70/0.60/0.50/0.40/0.30/0.20/0.20/0.20/0.20 sec

Flaming Petals
Fixed cast time has been incresed from 0.07/0.14/0.21/0.28/0.35/0.42/0.48/0.56/0.63/0.70 sec to 0.14/0.28/0.42/0.56/0.70/0.84/0.96/1.12/1.26/1.40 sec

Blaze Shield
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.60/0.55/0.50/0.45/0.40/0.35/0.30/0.25/0.20/0.15 sec to 1.20/1.10/1.00/0.90/0.80/0.70/0.60/0.50/0.40/0.30 sec

Exploding Dragon
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.40 sec to 0.80 sec

Freezing Spear
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.07/0.14/0.21/0.28/0.35/0.42/0.48/0.56/0.63/0.70 sec to 0.14/0.28/0.42/0.56/0.70/0.84/0.96/1.12/1.26/1.40 sec

Watery Evasion
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.30 sec to 0.60 sec

Snow Flake Draft
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.40 sec to 0.80 sec

Wind Blade
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.10/0.15/0.20/0.25/0.30/0.35/0.40/0.45/0.50/0.55 sec to 0.20/0.30/0.40/0.50/0.60/0.70/0.80/0.90/1.00/1.10 sec

Lightning Jolt
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.15 sec to 0.30 sec

First Wind
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.15 sec to 0.30 sec

Ninja Aura
Fixed cast time has been increased from 0.50/0.40/0.30/0.20/0.10 sec to 1.00/0.80/0.60/0.40/0.20 sec

Events Updates

(29 Apr – 5 May) Enjoy a Free Skill & Status Reset! Ventriloquist Standby is available for your convenience, allowing you to reset freely at /navi geffen 137/201

Item Updates

  • Increased the maximum level for using weapons in the Adventurer Job Pass (Schmidt’s Weapon) from level 80 to level 95.

Miscellaneous Changes & Bug Fixes

  • Added Gate Keeper-DD to the Malangdo Enchant list.
  • Fixed a bug in Weekly Quest 3.0 where players at BP level 14 and 23 did not receive Fragments after completing all quests in both Moscovia and Kiel Robot Dungeon.
  • Corrected Ghost Palace Quest Cooldown Reset Timer.
  • Automated systems will disregard the portal within Jupiros’ dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug where AI would rapidly use skills without regard to After Cast Delay when using Automated functions.
  • Buffs granted when a Super Novice levels up now last 2 minutes
  • Homunculus no longer recover SP when walking
  • Mercenary bonuses now last for 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes
  • Mercenary skill [Crash] now only deals 1 hit and can be cast-cancelled
  • Mercenary skill [Frenzy] SP cost 100 -> 200 SP
  • Mercenaries now recover HP when walking
  • [Magnum Break] has been fixed to take account various damage modifiers (e.g. defense reduction, passive mastery, refine and ATK% skill buffs)
  • [Magnum Break] bonus no longer affects [Acid Terror] and unit skills
  • [Investigate] is no longer influenced by Spirit Spheres except when you have [Magnum Break] effect
  • [Acid Terror] no longer ignore VIT DEF.
  • [Volcano] now increases Base ATK instead of Weapon ATK
  • Poison and Deadly Poison now reduce hard DEF on monsters by 25%, but the DEF reduction no longer stacks
  • Corrected damage calculation for weapon skills that give ATK% bonuses
  • Corrected damage formula of [Shield Boomerang]
  • Left-hand damage is now always capped to 0 instead of 1
  • Fixed inaccuracies in [Asura Strike]’s damage due to rounding issue.
  • Fixed [Asura Strike] damage being affected by Provoke, Curse, and %damage bonus from skills (for example Magnum Break).
  • Freezing Trap is now calculated like a ranged attack when the user has a bow equipped.
  • Monster skill [Agi Up] can now be dispelled properly via [Quagmire] and [Decrease Agi]
  • Reverted Flee increase of monster skill [Agi Up] to its original value (this is a buff to monsters with this skill) since it there are more ways to deal with it now compared to day 1 of Landverse as shown above.
  • [Venom Splasher] now ignores +% damage cards, but no longer ignores weapon element
  • [Spell Breaker] no longer deal damage to boss monsters
  • [Skid Trap] no longer affect boss monsters.
  • [Skid Trap] will stop the unit that triggered it for 3 seconds.
  • [Grand Cross] is now considered a full magic attack and no longer triggers drain and similar effects that only work with physical attacks
    (Cards that increase magic damage now work with Grand Cross (e.g. Skeggiold Card))
  • Grand Cross formula has been changed to [((ATK+MATK)/2)*(1 + 0.4 * Skill Level) – DEF – VitDEF – SoftMDEF – HardMDEF].
  • Fixed left hand damage being higher than normal.
  • Fixed a bug where Explosion Card was not working properly in card to monster loot box exchange.

Moonstone Shop Update

  • Added Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Removed White Tiger Scroll

Gachapon Recycle

  • Golden Gladiator Helm – 10 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Silver Chivalry Helm – 10 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Manteau Of Leafwind [1] – 5 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Manteau Of Mistic Froz [1] – 5 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Capricorn Diadem [1] – 3 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Golden Wreath [1] – 3 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Gold Tiara – 2 Golden Imperial Scroll
  • Golden Savage Hat – 2 Golden Imperial Scroll


  • Flash Deal Unlimited Bullet Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal Unlimited Silver Bullet Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal High Wind Kunai Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal Icicle Kunai Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal Heat Wave Kunai Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal Black Earth Kunai Box (7 Days) – 300 Moonstone – Limited to 1 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)
  • Flash Deal Life Potion Boost Box – 400 Moonstone – Limited to 10 units per Account (1-15/05/2024)

New Whitelist Item

  • Huuma Blaze Shuriken
  • Huuma Calm Mind
  • Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken
  • Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken
  • Huuma Wing Shuriken
  • Gold Lux
  • Garrison
  • Crimson Bolt
  • Wasteland’s Outlaw
  • Cyclone
  • Branch
  • Dusk
  • Long Barrel
  • Butcher
  • Drifter
  • Gate Keeper
  • Gate Keeper-DD
  • Thunder P
  • New Season Malangdo Costumes
  • New Items in Golden imperial scroll

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