Ragnarok Landverse : Monster Race


Monster Race is an activity where players can bet on the outcome of a race between predefined monsters. There are several monsters to choose from for betting, and players must place bets to guess which monster will win the competition.

Players can travel to the Monster Race Arena via the city of Hugel or through the ROverse Manual Book.

How to play:

1. Choose the monster you want to bet on from the available options: Poring, Lunatic, Savage Babe, Baby Desert Wolf, Deviruchi, and Baphomet Jr.
2. Place a bet of either 100,000 (100k) or 500,000 (500k) it’s depend on arena
3. Wait to see which monster wins.

Rewards and Winner:

1. All the money bet is pooled together to form the prize money.
2. If there is only one winner: The prize money is reduced by 10% of the total amount, then distributed to the player who guessed correctly.
3. If there are multiple winners: The prize money is reduced by 10% of the total amount, then evenly distributed among the players who guessed correctly.
4. If no players guess correctly: The prize money is reduced by 10% of the total amount, then evenly distributed among all players.


5 players bet on a monster each at 100,000. Total prize money = 500,000.
Three players guess Poring will win, and Poring wins.
The prize money is reduced by 10% to 450,000.
The 450,000 prize money is distributed among the three players, each receiving 150,000.

If there is only one bettor in a race, the race will not start. The game requires at least two participants to place bets for a race to commence.

Monster Race Step Info:


1. Upon arriving in the town of Hugel, head to the lower left of the map Enter arena with Npc Eckar Ellebird for betting at 100,000z or Enter arena with Npc Eckar Erenes for betting at 500,000z , After talk with them, you’ll be teleported to the race track.

Enter arena with Npc Eckar Ellebird for betting at 100,000z
Enter arena with Npc Eckar Erenes for betting at 500,000z

2. When the race opens, you have 1 minute to choose a monster and place your bet amount for the race (zeny is depend on arena)

3. There are 6 monsters to choose from: Poring, Lunatic, Savage Babe, Baby Desert Wolf, Deviruchi, and Baphomet Jr.

4. After selecting a monster, a 30-second countdown begins before finding out which monster wins.

5. In each round, the total prize money is reduced by 10% of the total amount bet by everyone in that round. For example, if the total bet amount is 1,000,000 M, 10% is deducted, leaving 900,000 for those who guessed correctly.

6. If a player bets on the outcome of a race and no other player bets against it, they receive a refund of their bet amount. For example, if you bet 1,000,000 and no one else bets, you get 1,000,000 back.
These points repeat the Rewards and Winner as mentioned above.

7. At the end of each betting round, all players are teleported from the betting map to the NPC at the entrance.

8. The prize money will sent to the player’s mailbox.


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